Source code for nginx.config.api.blocks

import six

from .base import Base
from .options import AttrDict, AttrList, KeyOption, KeyValueOption, KeyMultiValueOption

[docs]class Block(Base): """ A block represent a named section of an Nginx config, such as 'http', 'server' or 'location' Using this object is as simple as providing a name and any sections or options, which can be other Block objects or option objects. Example:: >>> from nginx.config.api import Block >>> http = Block('http', option='value') >>> print(http) http { option value; } """ def __init__(self, name, *sections, **options): """ Creates a block. Sections should be config objects such as Block or EmptyBlock, Options can be any key/value pair (such as worker_connections=512, etc) :param name str: The name of the block. """ = name self.sections = AttrList(self) self.options = AttrDict(self) self._set_directives(*sections, **options) @property def _directives(self): dirs = self._dump_options() + list(self.sections) return [directive for directive in dirs if directive is not self] def _set_directives(self, *sections, **options): for section in sections: self.sections.append(section) for key, value in six.iteritems(options): setattr(self.options, key, value) def _build_options(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, Block): option = value elif isinstance(value, list): option = KeyMultiValueOption(key, value=value) elif value is None or value == '': option = KeyOption(key) else: if isinstance(value, str) and ' ' in value: option = KeyMultiValueOption(key, value=value.split()) else: option = KeyValueOption(key, value=value) return option def _dump_options(self): return [self._build_options(key, value) for key, value in six.iteritems(self.options)] def __repr__(self): directives = self._directives for directive in directives: if directive is not self: directive._indent_level = self._indent_level + 1 return '\n{indent}{name}{{{directives}\n{indent}}}'.format( name='{0} '.format(, directives=''.join([repr(e) for e in directives]), indent=self._get_indent(), )
[docs]class EmptyBlock(Block): """ An unnamed block of options and/or sections. Empty blocks are useful for representing groups of options. For example, you can use them to represent options with non-unique keys: Example:: >>> from nginx.config.helpers import duplicate_options >>> dupes = duplicate_options('key', ['value', 'other_value', 'third_value']) >>> type(dupes) nginx.config.api.blocks.EmptyBlock >>> print(dupes) key third_value; key value; key other_value; """ def __init__(self, *sections, **options): """ Create an EmptyBlock. """ self.sections = AttrList(self) self.options = AttrDict(self) self._set_directives(*sections, **options) def __repr__(self): directives = self._directives for directive in directives: directive._indent_level = self._indent_level return ''.join([repr(o) for o in directives])
[docs]class Location(Block): """ A Location is just a named block with "location" prefixed """ def __init__(self, location, *args, **kwargs): super(Location, self).__init__('location {0}'.format(location), *args, **kwargs)