Source code for nginx.config.common

This module contains functions and variables that provide a variety of commonly used nginx config
from . import helpers
from .api import Block, EmptyBlock, KeyMultiValueOption, KeyValueOption
from .headers import uwsgi_param

def listen_options(port, ipv6_enabled=False):
    if ipv6_enabled:
        return KeyMultiValueOption(
            ['[::]:{}'.format(port), 'ipv6only=off']
        return KeyValueOption('listen', port)

def listen_options_ssl(port, ipv6_enabled=False):
    if ipv6_enabled:
        return KeyMultiValueOption(
            ['[::]:{}'.format(port), 'ipv6only=off', 'ssl']
        return KeyMultiValueOption('listen', [port, 'ssl'])

def _uwsgi_params():
    return helpers.duplicate_options(
            [uwsgi_param.QUERY_STRING, '$query_string'],
            [uwsgi_param.REQUEST_METHOD, '$request_method'],
            [uwsgi_param.CONTENT_TYPE, '$content_type'],
            [uwsgi_param.CONTENT_LENGTH, '$content_length'],
            [uwsgi_param.REQUEST_URI, '$request_uri'],
            [uwsgi_param.PATH_INFO, '$document_uri'],
            [uwsgi_param.DOCUMENT_ROOT, '$document_root'],
            [uwsgi_param.SERVER_PROTOCOL, '$server_protocol'],
            [uwsgi_param.REMOTE_ADDR, '$remote_addr'],
            [uwsgi_param.REMOTE_PORT, '$remote_port'],
            [uwsgi_param.SERVER_ADDR, '$server_addr'],
            [uwsgi_param.SERVER_PORT, '$server_port'],
            [uwsgi_param.SERVER_NAME, '$server_name'],

def _uwsgi_ssl_params():
    return helpers.duplicate_options(
            [uwsgi_param.CLIENT_SSL_CERT, '$ssl_client_raw_cert'],

[docs]def _gzip_options(): """ These are some decent default settings for gzip compression """ return EmptyBlock( **dict( gzip='on', gzip_types='application/json', gzip_comp_level=2, gzip_min_length=1024, ) )
[docs]def _uwsgi_cache(): """ A set of useful defaults for using nginx's response cache with uWSGI This block of options belongs in your HTTP section. NB! you must set "set $nocache 0;" in the Location block of your uwsgi backend. see: """ return EmptyBlock( **dict( uwsgi_cache_path=[ 'var/nginx_cache', 'keys_zone=one:10m', 'loader_threshold=300', 'loader_files=200', 'max_size=200m' ], uwsgi_cache_key='$request_uri', uwsgi_cache_min_uses=1, ) )
[docs]def _uwsgi_cache_location(): """ These are some decent defaults for caching uwsgi responses """ cache_options = EmptyBlock() # This is a bit of a hack to deal with the Cache-Control header # normally, the uwsgi nginx module doesn't honor the Cache-Control # header at all. For the cases where a user sends `max-age=0` or # `no-cache`, this will do the right thing and bypass the uwsgi # module's cache. This hack does not handle cases where max-age # is set to something else - it will just use the cache in that # case regardless of age cache_options.sections.add( EmptyBlock(set=['$nocache', '0']), Block( 'if ($http_cache_control = "max-age=0")', set=['$nocache', '1'] ), Block( 'if ($http_cache_control = "no-cache")', set=['$nocache', '1'] ), EmptyBlock(uwsgi_cache_valid=['404', '5s']), EmptyBlock(uwsgi_cache_valid=['200', '301', '302', '1d']), ) return cache_options
[docs]def _large_buffers(): """ These are some larger than default buffer settings. Use at your own risk! """ return EmptyBlock( **dict( client_body_buffer_size='128k', client_max_body_size='10m', client_header_buffer_size='1k', large_client_header_buffers=[4, '4k'], output_buffers=[1, '32k'], postpone_output=1460, ) )
[docs]def _statsd_options_location(): """ These are some good defaults to supply to Nginx when using the statsd plugin. NB! it requires you to include a "statsd_server" directive in your http section. This set of common directives should go in any Location block. """ statsd = EmptyBlock() statsd.sections.add( EmptyBlock(statsd_count=['"nginx.requests"', '1']), EmptyBlock(statsd_count=['"nginx.responses.$status"', '1', '"$status"']), EmptyBlock(statsd_timing=['"nginx.request_time"', '"$request_time"']), EmptyBlock(statsd_timing=['"nginx.upstream_response_time"', '"$upstream_response_time"']), EmptyBlock(statsd_count=['"nginx.response_length"', '"$request_length"']), EmptyBlock(statsd_count=['"nginx.bytes_sent"', '"$bytes_sent"']), ) return statsd
# aliases uwsgi_params = _uwsgi_params() uwsgi_ssl_params = _uwsgi_ssl_params() uwsgi_cache = _uwsgi_cache() gzip_options = _gzip_options() buffer_options = _large_buffers() uwsgi_cache_location = _uwsgi_cache_location() statsd_options_location = _statsd_options_location() def user_agent_block(blocklist, return_code=403): return Block( 'if ($http_user_agent ~* ({}))'.format('|'.join(blocklist)), **{'return': return_code} )
[docs]def ratelimit_options(qps): """ Rcreate rate limit shared memory zone, used for tracking different connections. :param int|str qps: Queries per second to rate limit. """ return EmptyBlock( limit_req_zone=[ '$binary_remote_addr', 'zone=ratelimit_zone:10m', 'rate={qps}r/s'.format(qps=qps), ] )
[docs]def ratelimit_options_location(burst_qps): """ This needs to be added to a location block in order for that location to get rate limiting :param int|str burst_qps: Queries per second to allow bursting to. """ return EmptyBlock( limit_req_zone=[ 'zone=ratelimit_zone', 'burst={burst_qps}'.format(burst_qps=burst_qps), ] )