Source code for nginx.config.helpers

Convienence utilities for building nginx configs
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from .api import Config, Location, Section
from .api.blocks import EmptyBlock

[docs]def dumps(config_list): """ Dumps a string representation of a config. Accepts a list of config objects. :param list config_list: A list of config objects from this module :rtype: str """ return ''.join([str(element) for element in config_list])
[docs]def duplicate_options(key, values): """ There are many cases when building configs that you may have duplicate keys This function will produce an EmptyBlock object with duplicate keys but unique values Example:: from nginx.config.helpers import duplicate_options from nginx.config.api import Location loc = Location( '/', duplicate_options('uwsgi_cache_valid', (['404', '5s'], ['200', '60s'])), ) Which would produce:: location / { uwsgi_cache_valid 200 60s; uwsgi_cache_valid 404 5s; } """ duplicates = EmptyBlock() for value in values: duplicates.sections.add(EmptyBlock(**{key: value})) return duplicates
[docs]def simple_configuration(port=8080): """ Returns a simple nginx config. Also serves as an example of how to build configs using this module. :param int port: A port to populate the 'listen' paramter of the server block :rtype str: """ http = Section( 'http', access_log=['logs/access.log', 'combined'], ) http.sections.server = Section( 'server', Location('/'), listen=port, ) events = Section( 'events', worker_connections=4096 ) top = EmptyBlock( worker_processes=cpu_count(), error_log='logs/error.log' ) config = Config( top, events, http, ) return config